Senior Pastor

Rev. Matt Walton

Matt Walton has served as the Senior Pastor of Trinity EPC since 2009 after coming on staff as the youth minister in 2008. He is married to his wonderful wife Heather and has two children, Knox and Karis. He received his undergraduate degree from Gardner-Webb University majoring in Biblical Studies with a minor in Classical Languages. Matt has a passion for the Kingdom of God expanding throughout Florence, South Carolina and the World and believes that this takes place most effectively by making disciple makers of Jesus Christ. He has two life verses that have shaped his calling: First, Colossians 1:28-29, "We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom so that we might present everyone perfect in Him. To this end I labor with all His energy which so powerfully works in me." And, Acts 20:20, "You know that I have not failed to preach anything that would be helpful to you but taught you publicly and from house to house." In his own words, "My prayer is that you will find Trinity to be the same vibrant, Spirit-filled, and healing community that me and my family have found it to be."

Our Staff

  • Matt Patterson

    Interim Director of Worship Ministry

  • Chris Hamilton

    Director of Student Ministry

  • Annette Diaz

    Director of International Ministry

  • Corey Fowler

    Director of Children's Ministry

  • Heather Walton

    Director of Congregational Care

  • Susan Starling

    Director of Congregational Engagement

  • Bill Allen

    Director of Leadership Development

  • Sharon Fuller

    Office Manager

  • Teresa Godwin

    Administrative Assistant